Nissan Response to COVID-19 | NMAC Deferred Payment Options for Current Nissan Owners

Nissan is here to ensure our customers and employees have the support they need to respond to the challenge of the coronavirus.


In the face of uncertainty, it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Rest assured - we’re here for you. Nissan and NMAC Customer Service may offer payment extensions allowing retail and lease customers to defer their NMAC payment(s) based on each customer’s current situation. If you are affected by the coronavirus and need to discuss payment arrangements, or require assistance regarding your NMAC account, call 1-800-456-6622 Monday-Friday 7am-7pm CST and Saturday 9am-2pm CST.


As you manage taking care of your family and work during this crisis, we know that your vehicle may play a key role. And we’re here to help with that if you need us. We’ve modified our Service Department Hours at all 7 Mossy Nissan locations, so we encourage you to book your service appointment online.

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